2016 Mississippi Writers Guild Conference
~ Click here to view the flier for our 2016 conference! ~
~ Click here to view the flier for our 2016 conference! ~
Registration is now open for the 2016 Mississippi Writers Guild Annual Conference. Join us in Natchez, MS, Aug. 5-6 for two exciting days of speakers, advice, critiques, fellowship, food, literary readings, and much more. Registration includes: Friday night supper and beverages, literary artist on stage (bring one of your works and read a short sample), mix and mingle, keynote speaker, door prizes, and more. Saturday: a full-day of workshops by well-known authors and professionals, morning refreshments, lunch, door prizes, book signings, writing critiques, and more, including the Awards Luncheon honoring Greg Iles, our second Mississippi Writers Guild Lifetime Achievement Award Winner
We have reserved 30 rooms at The Vue Hotel and Conference Center (http://www.hotelvuenatchez.com/) overlooking the Mississippi River at $99/night plus taxes. Cutoff date for group rate is July 1, 2016. (Phone: 601-442-9976: Use Miss. Writers Guild when booking.)
We have reserved 30 rooms at The Vue Hotel and Conference Center (http://www.hotelvuenatchez.com/) overlooking the Mississippi River at $99/night plus taxes. Cutoff date for group rate is July 1, 2016. (Phone: 601-442-9976: Use Miss. Writers Guild when booking.)
Friday Aug. 5 Schedule:
“Richard Wright Day” a pre-conference special event (approximately 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.). Cost: $40/person. Travel to and from The Vue provided. Deadline to book: July 20, 2016
“Richard Wright Day” a pre-conference special event (approximately 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.). Cost: $40/person. Travel to and from The Vue provided. Deadline to book: July 20, 2016
- Bus Tour “Richard Wright Ramble”: Hear Richard Wright’s first cousin and family historian Charles Wright talk about the sites in and around Adams County that figured prominently in Richard Wright’s life.
- Lunch at the Natchez Museum of African-American Museum and Culture
- Special screening of the film: “Richard Wright: A Force for Right”
- View the Richard Wright Hall
- Hear Richard Wright scholar Dennis Harried talk about use of language in Richard Wright’s work.
Friday Evening:
Conference Kicks Off at The Vue, overlooking the Mississippi River and downtown Natchez. Door prizes will be announced throughout the evening. Deadline to book: July 20, 2016. Here is the tentative schedule.
Conference Kicks Off at The Vue, overlooking the Mississippi River and downtown Natchez. Door prizes will be announced throughout the evening. Deadline to book: July 20, 2016. Here is the tentative schedule.
- 5 p.m. Registration and light supper and beverages
- 6-7:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks and Keynote Speech
- Artists On Stage: literary and musical works by our own guild members and presenters (bring a sample of your work to share with us)
Saturday, Aug. 6 Schedule
(All events at Copiah-Lincoln Community College, Natchez Campus) Book signings will continue throughout the day during breaks. Door prizes will be announced throughout the day. Deadline to book: July 20, 2016
Return to The Vue. Evening Supper sponsored by MWG Board at 7 p.m. Dutch Treat
(All events at Copiah-Lincoln Community College, Natchez Campus) Book signings will continue throughout the day during breaks. Door prizes will be announced throughout the day. Deadline to book: July 20, 2016
- 8-9 a.m. Registration/Orientation/Opening Remarks and Opening Keynote. Presentation by Mississippi Arts Commission on grants for writers.
- 9:30-10:30 a.m. Workshops (exact workshops to be announced)
- 10:30-10:45 Break
- 10:45-11:45 a.m. Workshops (exact workshops to be announced)
- Noon-1:30 Awards Luncheon honoring Greg Iles
- 1:45-2:45 p.m. Workshops
- 3-4 p.m. Workshops
- 4-5:15 p.m. Closing Program/Keynote/Critiques
Return to The Vue. Evening Supper sponsored by MWG Board at 7 p.m. Dutch Treat